
Saturday, February 19, 2005

New product ideas: (note to self, do not hit the return key). Scrubbo brand toilet paper. Tired of using that disgusting brush to clean the skids off the toilet bowl? Use new Scrubbo paper, it stops skids better than anti-lock brakes. Just wipe and flush, say good-bye to nasty skids! On a completely unrelated note, I have like 50 gmail invites, so if you want FREE email with 1.21 GIGABYTES of storage (just kidding, it's only 1 GIGABYTE), and tons of sweeet features, drop me an email, and you shall have your very own Gmail account. Seriously though, this is a great service, it's fast, and free and 1 G of storage is absolutely huge, much larger than anything else out there. And I know I'm filling up your tiny mailbox, Mom, so you could probably use one too (since you're the only one that reads this). Just email me.

Okay, lets try that again:

New Product ideas

Making popsicle stick... um... things. Oh, with glue. Lots of glue. And a few popsicle sticks.

Hi cutie.

The popsicle sticks stuck.

Got enough glue there H?

Work it girls! H, K and Mom feel the burn!

Sisterly love. One of the rarer moments when they are not fighting over Barbies or who gets to go first. Our camera has a burst option which allows one to take four quick images in a quick burst. This collage is four images put into one in Picasa2. They should be chronological from the top left to lower left.

She's just cute. Absorbed in her play.

And here's the after shot. Notice the shortness. It's pretty short.

Another before pic. Notice how very pleased they appear to be with their scissor skillz. Especially H. Yeah, she's pretty happy about that.

Okay, so K and H woke up a little before we did. And they decided to give themselves haircuts. This is before S tried to even things up a little bit.


Emote! Strike that pose!

Check out those moves.

H gets a turn on the mat while K and S watch. Can you feel the energy?

K playing DDR, S watches. Such concentration.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Isn't she lovely?

H joyously dancing.

All prettied up for church.

Wow, that's some serious bed-hair.

All ready for chuch, with balloons

Saturday, February 05, 2005

K not getting her way.

Mmmmm... cereal. Holy bed-hair, H!

H and the baboons.

H and the hamadryas baboons.

Orangutan love. Michael and Duchess at the Phoenix Zoo.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


K givin' Grandma a little lovin'.

H and K (the blur in the red shirt) eating their cereal.