
Saturday, October 22, 2005

 The falls viewed from under the bridge.
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The ladies relax from a rather difficult descent under the Tonto Natural Bridge. I swear A was smiling at me between the clicks of the camera.
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Friday, October 21, 2005

 Resting under the Tonto Natural Bridge. Your adventurous photographer has lost H's attention, but K's expression is just too adorable.
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 All the lovely ladies resting under the Tonto Natural Bridge
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 Your adventurous writer with two lovely ladies on the "Observation Deck" at Tonto Natural Bridge. Note the delicate, diaphanous water fall in the upper right-hand corner of the frame.

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 S and A in front of the falls.
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 The falls, seen from below.
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 H and K pose in front of the falls, which glimmer and sparkle in the sunlight like tiny, free-falling diamonds, and the mossy tree trunk.

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 H and K, having reached the bottom of the canyon, pose before their glimmering prize, the falls.
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  K has obtained (through no small amount of cunning and fortitude) a bear's tooth, which she proudly displays. H is just plain pleased as punch just to be so cute. A is about to smile (your adventurous writer is not so adept at timing baby smiles and camera-click) and S is, as always, utterly gorgeous.
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  The ladies are resting on a bench about halfway down (up) the Gowan Trail.
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  Could they be any cuter?
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  Here are the girls at the beginning of the hike. We are all still very energetic.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Okay, not sure if I like this new Picasa upgrade. It makes it a little difficult to post the pictures. I like that I don't have to use Hello, but I can't seem to make things work right. For some reason I don't get the "compose" or "edit html " like I do in a regular browser window. I dunno. Also, for some reason, we're starting to get more comment spam. Please do not feed the comment spammers by clicking their links or visiting their blogs. Doesn't make any sense to me, probably because I'm such a successful blogger, with massive hits every day. Thanks Mom!

We went on a trip to Tonto Natural bridge today with the kids. Lots of fun. Pics hopefully tomorrow. I'm exhausted and have to go back to work tomorrow. I've had three days off, hanging with the kids, monday the zoo, yesterday the movies, today the Natural bridge. I must be some kind of wonder dad. Or something.

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  K's purple snow cone was not nearly as chromatically long-lived, but she's still cute in the close-up.
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  blue tongue.
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  Blue snow cone + H = ???
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  H and K (with a little of S's face in there somewhere, for the sharp of eye). Eagle-eyed readers may also notice a fashion faux pas committed by the hapless writer.
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